Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
23191528Enter two of the Rebels with long staues. 23201529George. Come away Nick, and put a long
ffe in thy pike, and
23211530prouide thy
selfe, for I Can tell thee, they haue bene vp this two
23221532Nicke. Then they had more need to go to bed now,
23231534George. Why
sirrha, Iack Cade the Diar of A
shford here,
23241535He meanes to turne this land, and
set a new nap on it.
23261536Nick. I marry he had need
so, for tis growne threedbare,
23271537Twas neuer merry world with vs,
since the
se gentle men came vp.
23311538George. I warrant thee, thou
shalt neuer
see a Lord weare a lea-
2332.11540Nick. But
sirrha, who comes more be
side Iacke Cade?
23401541George. Why theres Dicke the Butcher, and Robin the Sadler,
23411542and Will that came a wooing to our Nan la
st Sunday, and Harry
23441543and Tom, and Gregory that
should haue your Parnill, and a great
23471544sort more is come from Roche
ster, and from Mayd
stone, and Can
- 2347.11545terbury, and all the Townes here abouts, and we mu
st all be Lords
squires, a
ssoone as Iacke Cade is King.
2347.31547Nicke. Harke, harke, I here the Drum, they be comming.
23501548Enter Iacke Cade, Dicke Butcher, Robin, VVill, Tom, 23511549Harry and the rest, with long staues. 23521552Cade. I Iohn Cade
so named for my valiancie.
23541553Dicke. Or rather for
stealing of a Cade of Sprats.
23601555Nicke. He was an hone
st man and a good Brick-laier.
23611556Cade. My mother came of the Bra
23641557VVill. She was a Pedlers daughter indeed, and
sold many la
23661558Robin. And now being not able to occupie her furd packe,
23671559She wa
sheth buckes vp and downe the country.
23681560Cade. Therefore I am honourably borne.
23691561Harry. I for the
field is honourable, for he was borne
23701562Vnder a hedge, for his father had no hou
se but the Cage.
23751564George. Thats true, I know he can endure any thing,
23761565For I haue
seene him whipt two market daies togither.
F3 Cade.