Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
Enter two of the Rebels with long staues.
2320George. Come away Nick, and put a long staffe in thy pike, and
prouide thy selfe, for I Can tell thee, they haue bene vp this two
Nicke. Then they had more need to go to bed now,
2322.1But sirrha George whats the matter?
George. Why sirrha, Iack Cade the Diar of Ashford here,
He meanes to turne this land, and set a new nap on it.
Nick. I marry he had need so, for tis growne threedbare,
Twas neuer merry world with vs, since these gentle men came vp.
George. I warrant thee, thou shalt neuer see a Lord weare a lea-
ther aperne now a-daies.
2332.1Nick. But sirrha, who comes more beside Iacke Cade?
2340George. Why theres Dicke the Butcher, and Robin the Sadler,
and Will that came a wooing to our Nan last Sunday, and Harry
and Tom, and Gregory that should haue your Parnill, and a great
sort more is come from Rochester, and from Maydstone, and Can-
2347.1terbury, and all the Townes here abouts, and we must all be Lords
or squires, assoone as Iacke Cade is King.
Nicke. Harke, harke, I here the Drum, they be comming.
2350Enter Iacke Cade, Dicke Butcher, Robin, VVill, Tom,
Harry and the rest, with long staues.
2351.1Cade. Proclaime silence.
All. Silence.
Cade. I Iohn Cade so named for my valiancie.
Dicke. Or rather for stealing of a Cade of Sprats.
Cade. My father was a Mortemer.
2360Nicke. He was an honest man and a good Brick-laier.
Cade. My mother came of the Brases.
VVill. She was a Pedlers daughter indeed, and sold many lases.
Robin. And now being not able to occupie her furd packe,
She washeth buckes vp and downe the country.
Cade. Therefore I am honourably borne.
Harry. I for the field is honourable, for he was borne
2370Vnder a hedge, for his father had no house but the Cage.
Cade. I am able to endure much.
2375George. Thats true, I know he can endure any thing,
For I haue seene him whipt two market daies togither.
F3 Cade.