The first part of the contention of the two famous
2833.11871But that they may
see there want no valiancy in me,
shall make way through the mid
st of you,
28411874He runs through them with his staffe, and flies away. 28421875Buc. Go
some and make after him, and proclaime,
28431876That tho
se that can bring the head of Cade,
28441877Shall haue a thou
sand Crownes for his labour.
28481879Enter King Henry and the Queene, and Somerset. 2848.11880King. Lord Somer
set, what newes here you of the Rebell Cade?
2848.21881Som. This, my gratious Lord, that the Lord Say is don to death,
2848.41883King. Gods will be done, for as he hath decreede,
so mu
st it be:
2848.51884And be it as he plea
se, to
stop the pride of tho
se rebellious men.
2848.61885Queene. Had the noble Duke of Su
ffolke bene aliue,
2848.71886The Rebell Cade had bene
st ere this,
2848.81887And all the re
st that do take part with him.
28561888Enter the Duke of Buckingham and Clifford, with the 28601889Rebels, with halters about their necks. 28571890Cliff. Long liue King Henry, Englands lawfull King,
2857.11891Loe here my Lord, the
se Rebels are
2857.21892And o
ffer their liues before your highne
sse feete.
28581893King. But tell me Cli
fford, is there Captaine here.
28621894Cliff. No, my gratious Lord, he is
fled away, but proclamations
sent forth, that he that can but bring his head,
shall haue a thou
- 28631896sand crownes. But may it plea
se your Maie
stie, to pardon the
28641897their faults, that by that traitors meanes were thus mi
28651898King. Stand vp you
simple men, and giue God prai
28661899For you did take in hand you know not what,
28711900And go in peace obedient to your King,
28721901And liue as
cts, and you
shall not want,
st Henry liues, and weares the Engli
sh Crowne.
28741903All. God
saue the King, God
saue the King.
2874.11904King. Come let vs ha
st to London now with
2874.31906In laud and honour of the God of heauen,
2874.41907And triumphs of this happie vi
(Exet omnes. Enter