The first part of the contention of the two famous
see them fa
st lockt in pri
707518Bucking. My Lord, I pray you let me go po
st vnto the King,
708519Vnto S. Albones, to tell this newes.
709520Yorke. Content. Away then, about it
710523Yorke. Who
se within there?
712526Yorke. Sirrha, go will the Earles of Sal
sbury and Warwicke, to
713527sup with me to night.
Exet Yorke. 715530Enter the King and Queene with her Hawke on her fist, 716531and Duke Humphrey and Suffolke, and the Cardi- 716.1532nall, as if they came from hawking. 717533Queene. My Lord, how did your grace like this la
st flight?
719534But as
I ca
st her o
ff the winde did ri
720535And twas ten to one, old Ione had not gone out.
721536King. How wonderfull the Lords workes are on earth,
721.1537Euen in the
silly creatures of his hands,
722538Vnckle Glo
ster, how hie your Hawke did
722.1539And on a
st the Partridge downe.
725540Suffolke. No maruell if it plea
se your Maie
726541My Lord Prote
ctors Hawke done towre
so well,
727542He knowes his mai
ster loues to be aloft.
729543Humphrey. Faith my Lord, it is but a ba
se minde
730544That can
sore no higher then a Falkons pitch.
731545Card. I thought your grace would be aboue the cloudes.
733546Humph. I my Lord Cardinall, were it not good
734547Your grace could
fllie to heauen.
736548Card. Thy heauen is on earth, thy words and thoughts beat on
737549a Crowne, proude Prote
ctor dangerous Peere, to
smooth it thus
739550with King and common-wealth.
740551Humphrey. How now my Lord, why this is more then needs,
so hote. Good vnckle can you doate.
745553Suffolke. Why not Hauing
so good a quarrell &
so bad a cau