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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Peter. Thumpe.
    1145Salsbury. Thumpe, then see that thou thumpe thy maister.
    1145.1Armour. Heres to thee neighbour, fill all the pots again, for be-
    fore we fight, looke you, I will tell you my minde, for I am come
    hither as it were of my mans instigation, to proue my selfe an ho-
    nest man, and Peter a knaue, and so haue at you Peter with down
    1150right blowes, as Beuys of South-hampton fell vpon Askapart.
    1150.1Peter. Law you now, I told you hees in his fence alreadie.
    1155Alarmes, and Peter hits him on the head and fels him.
    Armou. Hold Peter, I confesse, Treason, treason. He dies.
    1160Peter. O God I giue thee praise. He kneeles downe.
    1160.1Pren. Ho well done Peter. God saue the King.
    King. Go take hence that Traitor from our sight,
    For by his death we do perceiue his guilt,
    And God in iustice hath reuealde to vs,
    1165The truth and innocence of this poore fellow,
    Which he had thought to haue murthered wrongfully.
    Come fellow, follow vs for thy reward. Exet omnis.
    Enter Duke Humphrey and his men, in
    1170mourning cloakes.
    1175Humph. Sirrha, whats a clocke?
    Seruing. Almost ten my Lord.
    Humph. Then is that wofull houre hard at hand,
    That my poore Lady should come by this way,
    In shamefull penance wandring in the streetes,
    Sweete Nell, ill can thy noble minde abrooke,
    The abiect people gazing on thy face,
    With enuious lookes laughing at thy shame,
    That earst did follow thy proud Chariot wheeles,
    1185When thou didst ride in tryumph through the streetes.

    Enter Dame Elnor Cobham bare-foote, and a white sheete about
    her, with a waxe candle in her hand, and verses written on
    1190 her backe and pind on, and accompanied with the Sheriffes
    1190.1 of London, and Sir Iohn Standly, and Officers, with billes and
    Seruing. My gratious Lord, see where my Lady comes,
    Please it your grace, weele take her from the Sheriffes?
    D2 Humphrey