25981708Enter the Lord Skayles vpon the Tower 25991710Enter three or foure Citizens below. 26001711Lord Scayles. How now, is Iacke Cade
26011712I. Citizen. No my Lord, nor likely to be
26031714Killing all tho
se that with
stand them.
26041715The Lord Mayor craueth ayde of your honor from the Tower,
26051716To defend the Citie from the Rebels.
26061717Lord Scayles. Such aide as I can
spare, you
shall command,
G But
The first part of the contention of the two famous
26071718But I am troubled here with them my
26081719The Rebels haue attempted to win the Tower,
26091720But get you to Smyth
field and gather head,
26101721And thither I will
send you Mathew Go
26111722Fight for your King, your Country, and your liues,
so farewell, for I mu
st hence againe.