Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: William Shakespeare
Not Peer Reviewed

Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

The first part of the contention of the two famous
as he liues Marry alwaies prouided, ile be Protector ouer him.
Stafford. O monstrous simplicitie.
2480Cade. And tell him, weele haue the Lorde Sayes head, and the
Duke of Somersets, for deliuering vp the Dukedomes of Anioy
and Mayne, and selling the Townes in France, by which meanes
England hath bene maimde euer since, and gone as it were with a
2483.1crouch, but that my puissance held it vp. And besides, they can
speake French, and therefore they are traitors.
2486.1Stafford. As how I prethie?
Cade. Why the French men are our enemies be they not?
2490And then can hee that speakes with the tongue of an enemy be a
good subiect?
Answere me to that.
2492.1Stafford. Well sirrha, wilt thou yeeld thy selfe vnto the Kings
mercy, and he will pardon thee and these, their outrages and rebel-
lious deeds?
Cade. Nay, bid the King come to me and he will, and then ile
2492.5pardon him, or otherwaies ile haue his Crowne tell him, ere it be
Stafford. Go Herald, proclaime in all the Kings Townes,
That those that will forsake the Rebell Cade,
Shall haue free pardon from his Maiestie.
Exet Stafford and his men.
Cade. Come sirs, saint George for vs and Kent.
2502.1 Exet omnes.
Alarums to the battaile, and sir Humphrey Stafford
and his brother is slaine. Then enter Iacke
2512.1Cade againe and the rest.
2515Cade. Sir Dicke Butcher, thou hast fought to day most valianly,
And knockt them down as if thou hadst bin in thy slaughter house.
And thus I will reward thee. The Lent shall be as long againe as
it was. Thou shalt haue licence to kil for foure score & one a week.
Drumme strike vp, for now weele march to London, for to mor-
row I meane to sit in the Kings seate at Westminster.
2529.1Exet omnes.
2530Enter the King reading of a Letter, and the Queene, with
the Duke of Suffolkes head, and the Lord Say,
with others.