33062985Cannot remoue, nor choke the
strong conceit,
33072986That I doe groane withall: thou art to die.
33112990I neuer did o
ffend you in my life, --neuer lou'd
33122991But with
such generall warranty of heauen,
33132992As I might loue: I neuer gaue him token.
33142993Oth. By heauen I
saw my handkercher in his hand,
33152994O periured woman, thou doe
st stone thy heart,
33162995And make
st me call, what I intend to doe,
33172996A murder, which I thought a
33202999I neuer gaue it him,
send for him hither,
33243003Oth. Thar he hath ----vds death.
st Iago hath tane order for't.
33303009Des. My feare interprets then, --what is he dead?
33313010Oth. Had all his haires bin liues,
3011My great reuenge had
stomacke for 'em all.
33333012Des. Alas he is betraid, and I vndone.
33343013Oth. O
strumpet, ---weepe
st thou for him to my face?
33353014Des. O banni
sh me, my Lord, but kill me not.
33373016Des. Kill me to morrow, let me liue to night.
33393018Des. But halfe an houre, but while I
say one prayer.
33423019Oth. Tis too late
. he stiflles her. 3342.13020Des. O Lord, Lord, Lord.
Emillia calls within. 33443021Em. My Lord, my Lord, what ho, my Lord, my Lord.
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