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  • Title: Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)
  • Editor: Donald Bailey
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-466-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Donald Bailey
    Peer Reviewed

    Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

    The Moore of Venice.

    Thinkst thou I'de make a life of iealousie?
    To follow still the changes of the Moone
    1795With fresh suspitions? No, to be once in doubt,
    Is once to be resolud: exchange me for a Goate,
    When I shall turne the businesse of my soule
    To such exufflicate, and blowne surmises,
    Matching thy inference: tis not to make me iealous,
    1800To say my wife is faire, feedes well, loues company,
    Is free of speech, sings, playes, and dances well;
    Where vertue is, these are more virtuous:
    Nor from mine owne weake merrits will I draw
    The smallest feare, or doubt of her reuolt,
    1805For she had eies, and chose me: no Iago,
    I'le see before I doubt, when I doubt, proue,
    And on the proofe, there is no more but this:
    Away at once with loue or iealousie.
    Iag. I am glad of it, for now I shall haue reason,
    1810To shew the loue and duty that I beare you,
    With franker spirit: therefore as I am bound
    Receiue it from me: I speake not yet of proofe,
    Looke to your wife, obserue her well with Cassio;
    Weare your eie thus, not iealous, nor secure,
    1815I would not haue your free and noble nature,
    Out of selfe-bounty be abus'd, looke to't:
    I know our Countrey disposition well,
    In Venice they doe let God see the prankes
    They dare shew their husbands: their best conscience,
    Is not to leaue vndone, but keepe vnknowne.
    Oth. Doest thou say so.
    Iag. She did deceiue her father marrying you;
    And when she seem'd to shake and feare your lookes,
    1825She lou'd them most. Oth. And so she did.
    Iag. Why go too then,
    She that so young, could giue out such a seeming,
    To seale her fathers eyes vp, close as Oake,
    1830He thought twas witchcraft: but I am much too blame,
    I humbly doe beseech you of your pardon,
    G 4