29362692Rod. Well, is it within rea
son and compa
29382693Iag. Sir, there is e
speciall command come from
29392694To depute
Cassio in
Othello's place.
29402695Rod. Is that true
? why then
Othello and
Desdemona 29422697Iag. O no, he goes into
Mauritania, and takes away with him
29432698The faire
Desdemona, vnle
sse his abode be linger'd
29442699Here by
some accident, wherein none can be
29452700determinate, as the remouing of
29472701Rod. How doe you meane remouing of him?
29482702Iag. Why, by making him vncapable of
Othello's place,
29502704Rod. And that you would haue me to doe.
29512705Iag. I, and if you dare doe your
selfe a pro
fit, and right, hee
29522706to night with a harlot, and thither will I goe to him; --- he knowes
29532707not yet of his honourable fortune: if you will watch his going
29542708thence, which I will fa
shion to fall out betweene twelue and one,
29562709you may take him at your plea
sure: I will be neere to
second your
29572710attempt, and hee
shall fall betweene vs
: come,
stand not amaz'd
29582711at it, but goe along with mee, I will
shew you
such a nece
ssity in his
29592712death, that you
shall thinke your
selfe bound to put it on him. It is
29612713now high
supper time, and the night growes to wa
st: about it.
29662714Enter Othello, Desdemona, Lodouico, Emillia, 29632716Rod. I will heare further rea
son for this.
29642717Iag. And you
shall be
Ex. Iag. and Rod. 29682718Lod. I do be
seech you
sir, trouble your
selfe no further.
29692719Oth. O pardon me, it
shall doe me good to walke.
29702720Lod. Madame, good night, I humbly thanke your Ladi
29722721Des. Your honour is mo
st welcome.
29732722Oth. Will you walke
sir: ---O
29752724Oth. Get you to bed, o'the in
stant I will be return'd, forthwith,
spatch your Attendant there, ---looke it be done.
Exeunt. 29792727Em. How goes it now? he lookes gentler then he did.
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