32682949Oth. If you bethinke your
selfe of any crime,
32692950Vnreconcil'd as yet to heauen and grace,
32712952Des. Alas my Lord, what may you meane by that
? 32732953Oth. Well doe it, and be briefe, I will walke by,
32742954I would not kill thy vnprepared
32752955No, heauen fore-fend, I would not kill thy
32782958Des. Then heauen haue mercy on me.
32802960Des. If you
so, I hope you will not kill me.
32822962Des. And yet I feare you, for you are fatall then,
32832963When your eyes roule
: why I
should feare, I know not,
32852964Since guiltine
sse I know not, but yet I feele I feare
. 32872966Des. They are loues I beare to you.
32892968Des. That death's vnnaturall, that kills for louing,
32902969Alas, why gnaw you
so your neather lip?
32912970Some bloody pa
shakes your very frame,
se are portents: but yet I hope
32952974Des. I will,
so, what's the matter?
32962975Oth. That handkercher which I
so lou'd, and gaue thee,
33002979Oth. Sweete
soule take heed, take heed of periury,
33042983Therefore confe
sse thee freely of thy
33052984For to deny each article with oath,