650609And bring her after in the be
st aduantage;
Desdemona, I haue but an houre
652611Of loue, of worldly matters, and dire
spend with thee, we mu
st obey the time.
654613Rod. Iago.
Exit Moore and Desdemona. 655614Iag, What
st thou noble heart?
656615Rod. What will I doe thinke
st thou?
657616Iag. Why goe to bed and
658617Rod. I will incontinently drowne my
659618Iag. Well, if thou doe
st, I
shall neuer loue thee after it,
619Why, thou
silly Gentleman.
661620Rod. It is
sse to liue, when to liue is a torment, and then we
662621haue a pre
scription, to dye when death is our Phy
664622Iag. I ha look'd vpon the world for foure times
seuen yeares,
since I could di
sh betweene a bene
fit, and an iniury, I ne
- 666624uer found a man that knew how to loue him
selfe: ere I would
667625I would drowne my
selfe, for the loue of a Ginny Hen, I would
669626change my humanity with a Baboone.
670627Rod. What
should I do? I confe
sse it is my
shame to be
so fond,
671628but it is not in my vertue to amend it
. 672629Iag. Vertue? a
fig, tis in our
selues, that wee are thus, or thus,
673630our bodies are gardens, to the which our wills are Gardiners,
so that
674631if we will plant Nettles, or
sow Lettice,
set I
sop, and weed vp Time;
676632supply it with one gender of hearbes, or di
ct it with many; ei
- 677633ther to haue it
sterrill with Idlene
sse, or manur'd with Indu
stry, why
678634the power, and corrigible Authority of this, lies in our wills. If the
679635ballance of our liues had not one
scale of rea
son, to poi
se another of
suality; the blood and ba
sse of our natures, would condu
ct 682637vs to mo
st prepo
sterous conclu
sions. But wee haue rea
son to coole
683638our raging motions, our carnall
stings, our vnbitted lu
sts; whereof
684639I take this, that you call loue to be a
ct, or
687641Iag. It is meerly a lu
st of the blood, and a permi
ssion of the will:
688642Come, be a man; drowne thy
? drowne Cats and blinde Pup
- 689643pies
: I profe
sse me thy friend, and I confe
sse me knit to thy de
- 690644uing, with cables of perdurable toughne
sse; I could neuer better
691645steede thee then now. Put money in thy pur
se; follow the
se warres,