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  • Title: Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)
  • Editor: Donald Bailey
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-466-0

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Donald Bailey
    Peer Reviewed

    Othello (Quarto 1, 1622)

    The Tragedy of Othello

    1365Yet surely Cassio, I beleeue receiu'd
    From him that fled, some strange indignity,
    Which patience could not passe.
    Oth. I know Iago,
    Thy honesty and loue doth mince this matter,
    1370Making it light to Cassio: Cassio, I loue thee,
    But neuer more be Officer of mine. Enter Desdemona, with others.
    Looke if my Gentle loue be not raisde vp:
    I'le make thee an example.
    1375Desd. What is the matter?
    Oth. All's well now sweeting:
    Come away to bed: sir, for your hurts,
    My selfe will be your surgeon; leade him off;
    Iago, looke with care about the Towne,
    1380And silence those, whom this vile brawle distracted.
    Come Desdemona: tis the Souldiers life,
    To haue their balmy slumbers wak'd with strife,
    Iag, What are you hurt Leiutenant?
    1383.1Exit Moore, Desdemona, and attendants.
    Cas. I, past all surgery.
    1385Iag. Mary God forbid.
    Cas. Reputation, reputation, I ha lost my reputation:
    I ha lost the immortall part sir of my selfe,
    And what remaines is beastiall, my reputation,
    Iago, my reputation.
    1390Iag. As I am an honest man, I thought you had receiu'd some
    bodily wound, there is more offence in that, then in Reputation: re-
    putation is an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit,
    and lost without deseruing, You haue lost no reputation at all, vn-
    lesse you repute your selfe such a loser; what man, there are wayes
    to recouer the Generall agen: you are but now cast in his moode, a
    punishment more in pollicy, then in malice, euen so, as one would
    beate his offencelesse dog, to affright an imperious Lyon: sue to
    1400him againe, and hees yours.
    Cas. I will rather sue to be despis'd, then to deceiue so good a
    Commander, with so light, so drunken, and indiscreete an Officer:
    1405O thou inuisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to bee knowne