Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
2581Iay. What thinke you of her Sir?
2583Iay. Alas, what then?
2585She beheld Palamon?
2587Liking on this gentleman my friend.
2589Pen-worth on't, to give halfe my state, that both
2591Same tearmes.
2594Execute their preordaind faculties, but they are
2595Now in a most extravagant vagary. This you
2598Vpon you (yong Sir her friend) the name of
2599Palamon, say you come to eate with her, and to
2600Commune of Love; this will catch her attention, for
2601This her minde beates upon; other objects that are
2602Inserted tweene her minde and eye, become the prankes
2607Som other compounded odours, which are grateful to the
2608Sence: all this shall become Palamon, for Palamon can
2610To eate with her, crave her, drinke to her, and still
2611Among, intermingle your petition of grace and acceptance
2612Into her favour: Learne what Maides have beene her
2613Companions, and play-pheeres, and let them repaire to
2614Her with Palamon in their mouthes, and appeare with
2616She is in, which is with fasehoods to be combated.
2617This may bring her to eate, to sleepe, and reduce what's
2618Now out of square in her, into their former law, and
K3 Regiment