Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
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The Two Noble Kinsmen.
2355She sowes into the birthes of noble bodies,
2356Were here a mortall woman, and had in her
2357The coy denialls of yong Maydes, yet doubtles,
2358She would run mad for this man: what an eye?
2362Set Love a fire with, and enforcd the god
2363Snatch up the goodly Boy, and set him by him
2366Arch'd like the great eyd Iuno's, but far sweeter,
2367Smoother then Pelops Shoulder? Fame and honour
2368Me thinks from hence, as from a Promontory
2370To all the under world, the Loves, and Fights
2371Of gods, and such men neere 'em. Palamon,
2372Is but his foyle, to him, a meere dull shadow,
2373Hee's swarth, and meagre, of an eye as heavy
2375No stirring in him, no alacrity,
2377Yet these that we count errours may become him:
2379Oh who can finde the bent of womans fancy?
2381I have no choice, and I have ly'd so lewdly
2382That women ought to beate me. On my knees
2383I aske thy pardon: Palamon, thou art alone,
2384And only beutifull, and these the eyes,
2385These the bright lamps of beauty, that command
2386And threaten Love, and what yong Mayd dare crosse 'em
2387What a bold gravity, and yet inviting
2388Has this browne manly face? O Love, this only
2389From this howre is Complexion: Lye there Arcite,
2390Thou art a changling to him, a meere Gipsey.