Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
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The Two Noble Kinsmen.
399In blood, unlesse in quality.
400Pal. Nothing truer:
401I thinke the Ecchoes of his shames have dea'ft
402The eares of heav'nly Iustice: widdows cryes
404Due audience of the Gods: Valerius
405Val. The King cals for you; yet be leaden footed
406Till his great rage be off him. Phebus when
409The lowdenesse of his Fury.
411But whats the matter?
413Deadly defyance to him, and pronounces
414Ruine to Thebs, who is at hand to seale
415The promise of his wrath.
416Arc. Let him approach;
417But that we feare the Gods in him, he brings not
418A jot of terrour to us; Yet what man
419Thirds his owne worth (the case is each of ours)
421Tis bad he goes about.
424Yet to be neutrall to him, were dishonour;
426With him stand to the mercy of our Fate,
427Who hath bounded our last minute.
430On faile of some condition.
431Val. Tis in motion
433With the defier.
C2 Pal.