Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

    Scaena 3. Enter Arcite.
    1050Arcite. Banishd the kingdome? tis a benefit,
    A mercy I must thanke 'em for, but banishd
    The free enjoying of that face I die for,
    Oh twas a studdied punishment, a death
    Beyond Imagination: Such a vengeance
    1055That were I old and wicked, all my sins
    Could never plucke upon me. Palamon;
    Thou ha'st the Start now, thou shalt stay and see
    Her bright eyes breake each morning gainst thy window,
    And let in life into thee; thou shalt feede
    1060Vpon the sweetenes of a noble beauty,
    That nature nev'r exceeded, nor nev'r shall:
    Good gods? what happines has Palamon?
    Twenty to one, hee'le come to speake to her,
    And if she be as gentle, as she's faire,
    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    1065I know she's his, he has a Tongue will tame
    Tempests, and make the wild Rockes wanton. Come what (can come,
    The worst is death; I will not leave the Kingdome,
    I know mine owne, is but a heape of ruins,
    And no redresse there, if I goe, he has her.
    1070I am resolu'd an other shape shall make me,
    Or end my fortunes. Either way, I am happy:
    Ile see her, and be neere her, or no more.
    Enter 4. Country people, & one with a garlond before them.
    1, My Masters, ile be there that's certaine.
    10752. And Ile be there.
    3. And I.
    4. Why then have with ye Boyes; Tis but a chiding,
    Let the plough play to day, ile tick'lt out
    Of the Iades tailes to morrow.
    10801. I am sure
    To have my wife as jealous as a Turkey:
    But that's all one, ile goe through, let her mumble.
    2. Clap her aboard to morrow night, and stoa her,
    And all's made up againe.
    10853. I, doe but put a feskne in her fist, and you shall see her
    Take a new lesson out, and be a good wench.
    Doe we all hold, against the Maying?
    4. Hold? what should aile us?
    3. Arcas will be there.
    10902. And Sennois.
    And Rycas, and 3. better lads nev'r dancd under green Tree,
    And yet know what wenches: ha?
    But will the dainty Domine, the Schoolemaster keep touch
    Doe you thinke: for he do's all ye know.
    10953. Hee'l eate a hornebooke ere he faile: goe too, the mat-
    ter's too farre driven betweene him, and the Tanners daugh-
    ter, to let slip now, and she must see the Duke, and she must
    daunce too.
    4. Shall we be lusty.
    11002. All the Boyes in Athens blow wind i'th breech on's,
    E3 and
    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    and heere ile be and there ile be, for our Towne, and here
    againe, and there againe: ha, Boyes, heigh for the wea-
    1. This must be done i'th woods.
    11054. O pardon me.
    2. By any meanes our thing of learning sees so: where he
    himselfe will edifie the Duke most parlously in our behalfes:
    hees excellent i'th woods, bring him to'th plaines, his lear-
    ning makes no cry.
    11103. Weele see the sports, then every man to's Tackle: and
    Sweete Companions lets rehearse by any meanes, before
    The Ladies see us, and doe sweetly, and God knows what
    May come on't.
    4. Content; the sports once ended, wee'l performe. Away
    1115Boyes and hold.
    Arc. By your leaves honest friends: pray you whither
    goe you.
    4. Whither? why, what a question's that?
    Arc. Yes, tis a question, to me that know not.
    11203. To the Games my Friend.
    2. Where were you bred you know it not?
    Arc. Not farre Sir,
    Are there such Games to day?
    1. Yes marry are there:
    1125And such as you neuer saw; The Duke himselfe
    Will be in person there.
    Arc. What pastimes are they?
    2, Wrastling, and Running; Tis a pretty Fellow.
    3. Thou wilt not goe along.
    1130Arc. Not yet Sir.
    4. Well Sir
    Take your owne time, come Boyes
    1. My minde misgives me
    This fellow has a veng'ance tricke o'th hip,
    1135Marke how his Bodi's made for't
    2. Ile be hangd though
    If he dare venture, hang him plumb porredge,
    He wrastle? he rost eggs. Come lets be gon Lads. Exeunt 4.
    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    Arc. This is an offerd oportunity
    1140I durst not wish for. Well, I could have wrestled,
    The best men calld it excellent, and run
    Swifter, then winde upon a feild of Corne
    (Curling the wealthy eares) never flew: Ile venture,
    And in some poore disguize be there, who knowes
    1145Whether my browes may not be girt with garlands?
    And happines preferre me to a place,
    Where I may ever dwell in sight of her. Exit Arcite,