Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    What should I doe, to make him know I love him,
    For I would faine enjoy him? Say I ventur'd
    To set him free? what saies the law then? Thus much
    1180For Law, or kindred: I will doe it,
    And this night, or to morrow he shall love me. Exit.
    Scaena 4. Enter Theseus, Hipolita, Pirithous,
    Emilia: Arcite with a Garland, &c.
    This short flo-
    rish of Cor-
    nets and
    Showtes with-
    Thes. You have done worthily; I have not seene
    1185Since Hercules, a man of tougher synewes;
    What ere you are, you run the best, and wrastle,
    That these times can allow.
    Arcite. I am proud to please you.
    Thes. What Countrie bred you?
    1190Arcite. This; but far off, Prince.
    Thes. Are you a Gentleman?
    Arcite. My father said so;
    And to those gentle uses gave me life.
    Thes. Are you his heire?
    1195Arcite. His yongest Sir.
    Thes. Your Father
    Sure is a happy Sire then: what prooves you?
    Arcite. A little of all noble Quallities:
    I could have kept a Hawke, and well have holloa'd
    1200To a deepe crie of Dogges; I dare not praise
    My feat in horsemanship: yet they that knew me
    Would say it was my best peece: last, and greatest,
    I would be thought a Souldier.
    Thes. You are perfect.
    1205Pirith. Vpon my soule, a proper man.
    Emilia. He is so.
    Per. How doe you like him Ladie?
    Hip. I admire him,
    I have not seene so yong a man, so noble
    1210(If he say true,) of his sort.
    Emil. Beleeve,
    His mother was a wondrous handsome woman,
    His face me thinkes, goes that way.
    Hyp. But his Body