Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1748Say the Schoolemaster's no Clowne:
1749Duke, if we have pleasd three too
1750And have done as good Boyes should doe,
1751Give us but a tree or twaine
1752For a Maypole, and againe
1753Ere another yeare run out,
1754Wee'l make thee laugh and all this rout.
1757Emil. Twas an excellent dance, and for a preface
1758I never heard a better.
1764May they kill him without lets,
1765And the Ladies eate his dowsets: Come we are all made.
1766Winde Hornes.
1770To visit me againe, and with him bring
1771Two Swords, and two good Armors; if he faile
1772He's neither man, nor Souldier; when he left me
1773I did not thinke a weeke could have restord
1775And Crest-falne with my wants; I thanke thee Arcite,
1776Thou art yet a faire Foe; and I feele my selfe
1777With this refreshing, able once againe
1778To out dure danger: To delay it longer
1779Would make the world think when it comes to hearing,
1780That I lay fatting like a Swine, to fight
1781And not a Souldier: Therefore this blest morning
1782Shall be the last; and that Sword he refutes,
1783If it but hold, I kill him with; tis Iustice:
1784So love, and Fortune for me: O good morrow.
1785Enter Arcite with Armors and Swords.