Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
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The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1633And when you barke doe it with judgement.
1634Bau. Yes Sir.
1637Sch. We have,
1638As learned Authours utter, washd a Tile,
1639We have beene fatuus, and laboured vainely.
1642Cicely the Sempsters daughter:
1644Nay and she faile me once, you can tell Arcas
1646Sch. An Eele and woman,
1647A learned Poet sayes: unles by'th taile
1648And with thy teeth thou hold, will either faile,
16513. What
1652Shall we determine Sir?
1653Sch. Nothing,
1654Our busines is become a nullity
1655Yea, and a woefull, and a pittious nullity.
16564. Now when the credite of our Towne lay on it,
1657Now to be frampall, now to pisse o'th nettle,
1658Goe thy waies, ile remember thee, ile fit thee,
1659Enter Iaylors daughter.
1661 The George alow, came from the South, from
1662The coast of Barbary a.
1663And there he met with brave gallants of war
1664By one, by two, by three, a
1665 Well haild, well haild, you jolly gallants,
Chaire and
stooles out.
1666And whither now are you bound a
1667O let me have your company till come to the sound a
1668There was three fooles, fell out about an howlet
1669The one sed it was an owle
1670The other he sed nay,
1671The third he sed it was a hawke, and her bels wer cut away.
3. Ther's