Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
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The Two Noble Kinsmen.
877Weele see how neere Art can come neere their colours;
878I am wondrous merry hearted, I could laugh now.
880Emil. And take one with you?
881Wom. That's as we bargaine Madam,
882Emil. Well, agree then.
883Exeunt Emilia and woman.
884Pal. What thinke you of this beauty?
885Arc. Tis a rare one.
886Pal. Is't but a rare one?
887Arc. Yes a matchles beauty.
889Arc. I cannot tell what you have done, I have,
890Beshrew mine eyes for't, now I feele my Shackles.
891Pal. You love her then?
892Arc. Who would not?
894Arc. Before my liberty.
896Arc. That's nothing
902(I love her as a woman, to enjoy her)
903So both may love.
905Arc. Not love at all.
906Who shall deny me?
909In her reveald to mankinde: if thou lou'st her.
911Thou art a Traytour Arcite and a fellow
913And all the tyes betweene us I disclaime