Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    285Follow your Soldier (as before) hence you
    And at the banckes of Anly meete us with
    The forces you can raise, where we shall finde
    The moytie of a number, for a busines,
    More bigger look't; since that our Theame is haste
    290I stamp this kisse upon thy currant lippe,
    Sweete keepe it as my Token; Set you forward
    For I will see you gone. Exeunt towards the Temple.
    Farewell my beauteous Sister: Pyrithous
    Keepe the feast full, bate not an howre on't.
    295Pirithous. Sir
    Ile follow you at heeles; The Feasts solempnity
    Shall want till your returne.
    Thes. Cosen I charge you
    Boudge not from Athens; We shall be returning
    300Ere you can end this Feast; of which I pray you
    Make no abatement; once more farewell all.
    1. Qu. Thus do'st thou still make good the tongue o'th(world.
    2. Qu. And earnst a Deity equal with Mars,
    3. Qu. If not above him, for
    305Thou being but mortall makest affections bend
    To Godlike honours; they themselves some say
    Grone under such a Mastry.
    Thes. As we are men
    Thus should we doe, being sensually subdude
    310We loose our humane tytle; good cheere Ladies. Florish.
    Now turne we towards your Comforts. Exeunt.
    Scaena 2. Enter Palamon, and Arcite.

    Arcite. Deere Palamon, deerer in love then Blood
    And our prime Cosen, yet unhardned in
    315The Crimes of nature; Let us leave the Citty
    Thebs, and the temptings in't, before we further
    Sully our glosse of youth,
    And here to keepe in abstinence we shame
    As in Incontinence; for not to swim
    320I'th aide o'th Current, were almost to sincke,