Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
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The Two Noble Kinsmen.
285Follow your Soldier (as before) hence you
286And at the banckes of Anly meete us with
288The moytie of a number, for a busines,
291Sweete keepe it as my Token; Set you forward
293Farewell my beauteous Sister: Pyrithous
294Keepe the feast full, bate not an howre on't.
295Pirithous. Sir
297Shall want till your returne.
299Boudge not from Athens; We shall be returning
300Ere you can end this Feast; of which I pray you
301Make no abatement; once more farewell all.
3043. Qu. If not above him, for
308Thes. As we are men
311Now turne we towards your Comforts. Exeunt.
313Arcite. Deere Palamon, deerer in love then Blood
314And our prime Cosen, yet unhardned in
315The Crimes of nature; Let us leave the Citty
316Thebs, and the temptings in't, before we further
317Sully our glosse of youth,
319As in Incontinence; for not to swim