Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
470That have sod their Infants in (and after eate them)
471The brine, they wept at killing 'em; Then if
473Should hold you here for ever.
474Pir. Peace be to you
476Beyond further requiring. Exit Pir.
477Emil. How his longing
480His careles execution, where nor gaine
482Playing ore busines in his hand, another
485Since our great Lord departed?
486Hip. With much labour:
487And I did love him fort, they two have Cabind
488In many as dangerous, as poore a Corner,
489Perill and want contending, they have skift
490Torrents whose roring tyranny and power
492Fought out together, where Deaths-selfe was lodgd,
493Yet fate hath brought them off: Their knot of love
496May be out worne, never undone. I thinke
498Cleaving his conscience into twaine, and doing
502To say it is not you: I was acquainted
503Once with a time, when I enjoyd a Play-fellow;
504You were at wars, when she the grave enrichd,
505Who made too proud the Bed, tooke leave o'th Moone
506(which then lookt pale at parting) when our count
507Was each a eleven.
C3 Hip.