Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
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The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1292Could I perswade him to become a Freeman,
1294To me, and to my Father. Yet I hope
1295When he considers more, this love of mine
1296Will take more root within him: Let him doe
1299And to his face, no-man: Ile presently
1300Provide him necessaries, and packe my cloathes up.
1301And where there is a path of ground Ile venture
1302So hee be with me; By him, like a shadow
1303Ile ever dwell; within this houre the whoobub
1304Will be all ore the prison: I am then
1305Kissing the man they looke for: farewell Father,
1308Actus Tertius.
Cornets in
sundry places,
Noise and
hallowing as
people a May-
1312They owe bloomd May, and the Athenians pay it
1313To'th heart of Ceremony: O Queene Emilia
1315Then hir gold Buttons on the bowes, or all
1316Th'enamelld knackes o'th Meade, or garden, yea
1317(We challenge too) the bancke of any Nymph
1321That I poore man might eftsoones come betweene
1325(Next after Emely my Soveraigne) how far
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