Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Two Noble Kinsmen
Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1183Emilia: Arcite with a Garland, &c.
This short flo-
rish of Cor-
nets and
Showtes with-
1185Since Hercules, a man of tougher synewes;
1187That these times can allow.
1189Thes. What Countrie bred you?
1191Thes. Are you a Gentleman?
1194Thes. Are you his heire?
1196Thes. Your Father
1197Sure is a happy Sire then: what prooves you?
1198Arcite. A little of all noble Quallities:
1199I could have kept a Hawke, and well have holloa'd
1200To a deepe crie of Dogges; I dare not praise
1203I would be thought a Souldier.
1207Per. How doe you like him Ladie?
1208Hip. I admire him,
1211Emil. Beleeve,
1212His mother was a wondrous handsome woman,
1213His face me thinkes, goes that way.
1214Hyp. But his Body
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1216Per. Marke how his vertue, like a hidden Sun
1217Breakes through his baser garments.
1222To such a well-found wonder, as thy worth,
1223Fo onely in thy Court, of all the world
1224dwells faire-eyd honor.
1225Per. All his words are worthy.
1226Thes. Sir, we are much endebted to your travell,
1230What ere you are y'ar mine, and I shall give you
1233You have honourd hir faire birth-day, with your vertues,
1234And as your due y'ar hirs: kisse her faire hand Sir.
1236Thus let me seale my vowd faith: when your Servant
1238Command him die, he shall.
1239Emil. That were too cruell.
1244This after noone to ride, but tis a rough one.
1246Freeze in my Saddle.
1248And you Emilia, and you (Friend) and all
1249To morrow by the Sun, to doe observance
1250To flowry May, in Dians wood: waite well Sir
1251Vpon your Mistris: Emely, I hope
1252He shall not goe a foote.
F Emil.
The Two Noble Kinsmen.
1254While I have horses: take your choice, and what
1255You want at any time, let me but know it;
1258Arc. If I doe not,
1259Let me finde that my Father ever hated,
1260Disgrace, and blowes.
1261Thes. Go leade the way; you have won it:
1263Fit for the honour you have won; Twer wrong else,
1265That if I were a woman, would be Master,