Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Two Noble Kinsmen (Quarto, 1634)

    The Two Noble Kinsmen.
    And this the noble Bodie: I am sotted,
    Vtterly lost: My Virgins faith has fled me.
    For if my brother but even now had ask'd me
    Whether I lov'd, I had run mad for Arcite,
    2395Now if my Sister; More for Palamon,
    Stand both together: Now, come aske me Brother,
    Alas, I know not: aske me now sweet Sister,
    I may goe looke; What a meere child is Fancie,
    That having two faire gawdes of equall sweetnesse,
    2400Cannot distinguish, but must crie for both.
    Enter Emil. and Gent:
    Emil. How now Sir?
    Gent. From the Noble Duke your Brother
    Madam, I bring you newes: The Knights are come.
    2405Emil. To end the quarrell?
    Gent. Yes.
    Emil. Would I might end first:
    What sinnes have I committed, chast Diana,
    That my unspotted youth must now be soyld
    2410With blood of Princes? and my Chastitie
    Be made the Altar, where the lives of Lovers,
    Two greater, and two better never yet
    Made mothers joy, must be the sacrifice
    To my unhappy Beautie?
    2415Enter Theseus, Hipolita, Perithous and attendants.
    Theseus. Bring 'em in quickly,
    By any meanes, I long to see 'em.
    Your two contending Lovers are return'd,
    And with them their faire Knights: Now my faire Sister,
    2420You must love one of them.
    Emil. I had rather both,
    So neither for my sake should fall untimely
    Enter Messengers. Curtis.
    Thes. Who saw 'em?
    2425Per. I a while.
    Gent. And I.
    Thes. From whence come you Sir?
    Mess. From the Knights.