Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
179Enter the Countesse.
180Alas how much in vaine my poore eyes gaze,
182A cosin Mountague, I feare thou wants,
184Wth vehement sute the king in my behalfe:
185Thou dost not tell him what a griefe it is,
186To be the scornefull captiue to a Scot,
187Either to be wooed with broad vntuned othes,
189Thou doest not tell him if he heere preuaile,
190How much they will deride vs in the North,
191And in their vild vnseuill skipping giggs,
192Bray foorth their Conquest, and our ouerthrow,
193Euen in the barraine, bleake and fruitlesse aire,
194Enter Dauid and Douglas, Lorraine.
197And list their babble blunt and full of pride.
198K. Da: My Lord of Lorrayne, to our brother of Fraunce,
199Commend vs as the man in Christendome,
200That we must reuerence and intirely loue,
202That we with England will not enter parlie,
203Nor neuer make faire wether, or take truce,
205With eager Rods beyond their Citie Yorke,
207Nor rust in canker, haue the time to eate,
209Nor lay aside their Iacks of Gymould mayle,
211In peacefull wise, vpon their Citie wals,
212Nor from their buttoned tawny leatherne belts,