Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
896How now.
897Enter Lodwike.
899Stands with Prince Edward your thrice valiant sonne.
900Enter Prince Edward.
903And rates my heart, and chides my theeuish eie,
904Who being rich ennough in seeing her,
906Which cannot cloke it selfe on pouertie.
907Now boy, what newes?
910For our affaires to Fraunce, and heere we come,
919Shall the large limmit of faire Brittayne.
920By me be ouerthrowne, and shall I not,
922Giue me an Armor of eternall steele,
924Subdue my selfe, and be my enimies friend,
925It must not be, come boy forward, aduaunce,
926Lets with our coullours sweete the Aire of Fraunce.
927Enter Lodwike.