Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
1102At Sea we are as puissant as the force;
1103Of Agamemnon in the Hauen of Troy:
1104By land with Zerxes we compare of strength,
1106Then Bayardlike, blinde ouerweaning Ned,
1107To reach at our imperiall dyadem,
1108Is either to be swallowed of the waues,
1112As I was busie in my watchfull charge.
1113The proud Armado of king Edwards ships,
1115Seemd as it were a groue of withered pines,
1119Adornes the naked bosome of the earth.
1121Figuring the horned Circle of the Moone,
1122And on the top gallant of the Admirall,
1123And likewise all the handmaides of his trayne:
1124The Armes of England and of Fraunce vnite,
1125Are quartred equally by Heralds art;
1126Thus titely carried with a merrie gale,
1127They plough the Ocean hitherward amayne:
1128 Dare he already crop the Flewer de Luce:
1129I hope the hony being gathered thence,
1130He with the spider afterward approcht
1131Shall sucke forth deadly venom from the leaues,
1132But wheres out Nauy, how are they prepared,
1135Did breake from Anchor straight, and puft with rage,
1137Made forth, as when the empty Eagle flies,