Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Edward the third.
932The Dolphin and the Peeres at liberty,
933Goe leaue me Ned, and reuell with thy friends. Exit Pr.
934Thy mother is but blacke, and thou like her.
938For shee giues beautie both to heauen and earth,
939The sin is more to hacke and hew poore men,
940Then to embrace in an vnlawfull bed,
941The register of all rarieties,
942Since Letherne Adam, till this youngest howre.
943Enter Countesse.
946So thou wilt hence awhile and leaue me heere.
947Now my soules plaiefellow art thou come,
948To speake the more then heauenly word of yea,
949To my obiection in thy beautious loue.
952Coun: I deare my liege, your due.
954Then right for right, and render loue for loue.
955Count: Then wrong for wrong, and endles hate for hate:
957That my vnwillingnes, my husbands loue,
959Can be my helpe, but that your mightines:
960Will ouerbeare and awe these deare regards,
961I bynd my discontent to my content,
962And what I would not, Ile compell I will,
964That stand betweene your highnes loue and mine,