Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
  • Editor: Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

    Edward the third.
    1495Or be intombed in our innocence,
    And Ned, because this battell is the first,
    That euer yet thou foughtest in pitched field,
    As ancient custome is of Martialists,
    To dub thee with the tipe of chiualrie,
    1500In solemne manner wee will giue thee armes,
    Come therefore Heralds, orderly bring forth,
    A strong attirement for the prince my sonne.
    Enter foure Heraldes bringing in a coate armour, a helmet, a
    lance, and a shield.
    1505Kin: Edward Plantagenet, in the name of God,
    As with this armour I impall thy breast,
    So be thy noble vnrelenting heart,
    Wald in with flint of matchlesse fortitude,
    That neuer base affections enter there,
    1510Fight and be valiant, conquere where thou comst,
    Now follow Lords, and do him honor to.
    Dar: Edward Plantagenet prince of Wales,
    As I do set this helmet on thy head,
    Wherewith the chamber of this braine is fenst,
    1515So may thy temples with Bellonas hand,
    Be still adornd with lawrell victorie,
    Fight and be valiant, conquer where thou comst.
    Aud. Edward Plantagenet prince of Wales,
    Receiue this lance into thy manly hand,
    1520Vse it in fashion of a brasen pen,
    To drawe forth bloudie stratagems in France,
    And print thy valiant deeds in honors booke,
    Fight and be valiant, vanquish where thou comst.
    Art: Edward Plantagener prince of Wales,
    1525Hold take this target, weare it on thy arme,
    And may the view there of like Perseus shield,
    Astonish and transforme thy gazing foes
    To senselesse images of meger death,
    Fight and be valiant, couquer where thou comst.
    1530Ki. Now wants there nought but knighthood, which deferd