Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
322Warwike, Artoys, to horse and lets away.
325That more perswads then winning Oratorie.
327Flatter our earth, and sodenly be done:
328More happie do not make our outward wall,
329Then thou wilt grace our inner house withall,
331Whose habit rude, and manners blunt and playne,
333With bounties riches; and faire hidden pride:
334For where the golden Ore doth buried lie,
337And where the vpper turfe of earth doth boast,
338His pride perfumes, and party colloured cost,
341But to make vp my all to long compare,
343What is within, but like a cloake doth hide,
345More gratious then my tearmes can let thee be,
348When wisedome keepes the gate as beuties gard,
350Yt shall attend, while I attend on thee:
353His eare to drinke her sweet tongues vtterance,
355That racke vpon the carriage of the windes,