Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
  • Editor: Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

    The Raigne of King
    Warwike, Artoys, to horse and lets away.
    Co: What might I speake to make my soueraigne stay?
    King: What needs a tongue to such a speaking eie,
    325That more perswads then winning Oratorie.
    Co: Let not thy presence like the Aprill sunne,
    Flatter our earth, and sodenly be done:
    More happie do not make our outward wall,
    Then thou wilt grace our inner house withall,
    330Our house my liege is like a Country swaine,
    Whose habit rude, and manners blunt and playne,
    Presageth nought, yet inly beautified,
    With bounties riches; and faire hidden pride:
    For where the golden Ore doth buried lie,
    335The ground vndect with natures tapestrie,
    Seemes barrayne, sere, vnfertill, fructles dry,
    And where the vpper turfe of earth doth boast,
    His pride perfumes, and party colloured cost,
    Delue there, and find this issue and their pride,
    340To spring from ordure, and corruptions side:
    But to make vp my all to long compare,
    These ragged walles no testomie are,
    What is within, but like a cloake doth hide,
    From weathers West, the vnder garnisht pride:
    345More gratious then my tearmes can let thee be,
    Intreat thy selfe to stay a while with mee.
    Kin: As wise as faire, what fond fit can be heard,
    When wisedome keepes the gate as beuties gard,
    Countesse, albeit my busines vrgeth me,
    350Yt shall attend, while I attend on thee:
    Come on my Lords, heere will I host to night. Exeunt.
    Lor: I might perceiue his eye in her eye lost,
    His eare to drinke her sweet tongues vtterance,
    And changing passion like inconstant clouds:
    355That racke vpon the carriage of the windes,
    Increase and die in his disturbed cheekes:
    Loe when shee blusht, euen then did he looke pale,