Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
1817That are the welthiest marchaunts in the towne,
1818Come naked all but for their linnen shirts,
1819With each a halter hangd about his necke,
1824Had we not been perswaded Iohn our King,
1825Would with his armie haue releeud the towne,
1827But now tis past that no man can recall,
1829Enter Charles of Normandy and Villiers
1831For one that is our deadly ennemie.
1833Am I become an earnest aduocate,
1834As that thereby my ransome will be quit,
1836Art thou not free? and are not all occasions,
1837That happen for aduantage of our foes,
1838To be accepted of, and stood vpon?
1844Ch. Villiers I will not, nor I cannot do it,
1847Vil: Why then I know the extremitie my Loid,
1849Ch. Returne, I hope thou wilt not,
1850What bird that hath e(s)capt the fowlers gin,