Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Edward the third.
1782Dauid of Scotland lately vp in armes,
1784Your highnes being absent from the Realme,
1785Is by the fruitfull seruice of your peeres,
1786And painefull trauell of the Queene her selfe:
1787That big with child was euery day in armes,
1793Denies to make surrender of his prize,
1794To anie but vnto your grace alone:
1797To summon Copland hither out of hand,
1801To land at Callis, and to visit you,
1804Enter a Captayne.
1805 The Burgesses of Callis mighty king,
1806Haue by a counsell willingly decreed,
1807To yeeld the towne and Castle to your hands,
1808Vpon condition it will please your grace,
1809To graunt them benefite of life and goods.
1814They shall not haue it now although they would,
I will