Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
  • Editor: Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

    Edward the third.
    Ki: Ignoble Dauid hast thou none to greeue,
    145But silly Ladies with thy threatning armes:
    But I will make you shrinke your snailie hornes,
    First therefore Audley this shalbe thy charge,
    Go leuie footemen for our warres in Fraunce;
    And Ned take muster of our men at armes,
    150In euery shire elect a seuerall band,
    Let them be Souldiers of a lustie spirite,
    Such as dread nothing but dishonors blot,
    Be warie therefore since we do comence,
    A famous Warre, and with so mighty a nation:
    155Derby be thou Embassador for vs,
    Vnto our Father in Law the Earle of Henalt:
    Make him acquainted with our enterprise,
    And likewise will him with our owne allies,
    That are in Flaundsrs, to solicite to,
    160The Emperour of Almaigne in our name:
    Myselfe whilst you are ioyntly thus employd,
    Will with these forces that I haue at hand,
    March, and once more repulse the trayterous Scot:
    But Sirs be resolute, we shal haue warres
    165On euery side, and Ned, thou must begin,
    Now to forget thy study and thy bookes,
    And vre thy shoulders to an Armors weight.
    Pr. As cheereful sounding to my youthfull spleene,
    This tumult is of warres increasing broyles,
    170As at the Coronation of a king,
    The ioyfull clamours of the people are,
    When Aue Caesar they pronounce alowd;
    Within this schoole of honor I shal learne,
    Either to sacrifice my foes to death,
    175Or in a rightfull quarrel spend my breath,
    Then cheerefully forward ech a seuerall way,
    In great affaires tis nought to vse delay.
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