Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
  • Editor: Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

    The Raigne of king
    To this bequeath in my last testament.
    2340Pr: Renowned Audley, liue and haue from mee,
    This gift twise doubled to these Esquires and thee
    But liue or die, what thou hast giuen away,
    To these and theirs shall lasting freedome stay,
    Come gentlemen, I will see my friend bestowed,
    2345With in an easie Litter, then wele martch.
    Proudly toward Callis with tryumphant pace,
    Vnto my royall father, and there bring,
    The tribut of my wars, faire Fraunce his king. Ex.
    Enter sixe Citizens in their Shirts, bare foote, with
    2350halters about their necks.
    Enter King Edward, Queen Phillip, Derby, soldiers.
    Ed. No more Queene Phillip, pacifie your selfe,
    Copland, except he can excuse his fault,
    Shall finde displeasure written in our lookes,
    2355And now vnto this proud resisting towne,
    Souldiers assault, I will no longer stay,
    To be deluded by their false delaies,
    Put all to sword, and make the spoyle your owne.
    All: Mercy king Edward, mercie gratious Lord.
    2360Ki: Gontemptuous villaines, call ye now for truce?
    Mine eares are stopt against your bootelesse cryes,
    Sound drums allarum, draw threatning swords?
    All: Ah noble Prince, take pittie on this towne,
    And heare vs mightie king:
    2365We claime the promise that your highnes made,
    The two daies respit is not yet expirde,
    And we are come with willingnes to beare,
    What tortering death or punishment you please,
    So that the trembling multitude be saued,
    2370Ki: My promise, wel I do confesse as much;
    But I require the cheefest Citizens,
    And men of most account that should submit,
    You peraduenture are but seruile groomes,
    Or some fellonious robbers on the Sea,
    2375Whome apprehended law would execute,
    Albeit seuerity lay dead in vs,