Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
  • Editor: Sonia Massai

  • Copyright Sonia Massai. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Sonia Massai
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)

    The Raigne of King
    Away, away, me thinks I heare their drums,
    Ah wreched France, I greatly feare thy fal,
    Thy glory shaketh like a tottering wall.

    Enter King Edward and the Erle of Darby
    1320With Souldiors, and Gobin de Graie.
    Kin: Wheres the French man by whose cunning guide,
    We found the shalow of this Riuer Sone,
    And had direction how to passe the sea.
    Go: Here my good Lord.
    1325Kin: How art thou calde, tell me thy name.
    Go: Gobin de Graie if please your excellence,
    Kin: Then Gobin for the seruice thou hast done,
    We here inlarge and giue thee liberty,
    And for recompenc beside this good,
    1330Thou shalt receiue fiue hundred markes in golde,
    I know not how we should haue met our sonne,
    Whom now in heart I wish I might behold.
    Enter Artoyes.
    Good newes my Lord the prince is hard at hand,
    1335And with him comes Lord Awdley and the rest,
    Whome since our landing we could neuer meet.
    Enter Prince Edward, Lord Awdley and Souldiers.
    K. E: Welcome faire Prince, how hast thou sped my sonne,
    Since thy arriuall on the coaste of Fraunce?
    1340Pr. Ed: Succesfullie I thanke the gratious heauens,
    Some of their strongest Cities we haue wonne,
    As Harslen, Lie, Crotag, and Carentigne,
    And others wasted, leauing at our heeles,
    A wide apparant feild and beaten path,
    1345For sollitarines to progresse in,
    Yet those that would submit we kindly pardned,
    For who in scorne refused our poffered peace,
    Indurde the penaltie of sharpe reuenge.
    Ki. Ed: Ah Fraunce, why shouldest thou be this obstinate,
    1350Agaynst the kind imbracement of thy friends,