Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
Edward the third.
1284Shall carie hence the fluerdeluce of France,
1286Strike many french men cold vnto the heart:
1287Enter a French man.
1288 Flie cuntry men and cytizens of France,
1289Sweete flowring peace the roote of happie life,
1290Is quite abandoned and expulst the lande,
1292Syts like to Rauens vppon your houses topps,
1295The forme whereof euen now my selfe beheld,
1296Vpon this faire mountaine whence I came,
1299Corne fieldes and vineyards burning like an ouen,
1300And as the leaking vapour in the wind,
1303Fall numberles vpon the souldiers pikes,
1305Do tread the measuers of their tragicke march,
1306Vpon the right hand comes the conquering King,
1307Vpon the lefte is hot vnbridled sonne,
1310To leaue a desolation where they come,
1311Flie therefore Citizens if you be wise,
1312Seeke out som habitation further of,