Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
1388They labour rather to be feared then loued,
1390Heere am I come and with me haue I brought,
1392Leaue therfore now to persecute the weake,
1393And armed entring conflict with the armd,
1395How thou canst win this pillage manfully.
1398But as the one hath no such propertie,
1400Yet wot how I regarde thy worthles tants,
1401If thou haue vttred them to foile my fame,
1402Or dym the reputation of my birth,
1403Know that thy woluish barking cannot hurt,
1406To painte thy vitious and deformed cause,
1407Bee well assured the counterfeit will fade,
1409But if thou didst it to prouoke me on,
1411Or coldly negligent did need a spurre,
1413Now since my landing I haue wonn no townes,
1414Entered no further but vpon the coast,
1416But if I haue bin other wise imployd,
1417Imagin Valoys whether I intende
1419Which thou dost weare and that I vowe to haue,
1420Or one of vs shall fall in to this graue,
Pr Ed: Looke