Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Edward III
Edward III (Quarto 1, 1596)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The Raigne of King
35Art: Perhaps it will be thought a heynous thing,
37But heauen I call to recorde of my vowes,
38It is not hate nor any priuat wronge,
39But loue vnto my country and the right,
40Prouokes my tongue thus lauish in report.
41You are the lyneal watch men of our peace,
42And Iohn of Valoys, in directly climbes,
44Ah where in may our duety more be seene,
45Then stryuing to rebate a tyrants pride,
46And place the true shepheard of our comonwealth,
48Hath added growth vnto my dignitye,
49And by the fiery vigor of thy words,
50Hot courage is engendred in my brest,
51Which heretofore was rakt in ignorance,
52But nowe doth mount with golden winges of fame,
56A mestenger, Lord Awdley know from whence,
57Enter a messenger Lorragne,
59In treates he may haue conference with your highnes.
60King: Admit him Lords, that we may heare the newes.
61Say Duke of Lorrayne wherefore art thou come.
63Doth greete thee Edward, and by me commandes,
65The Guyen Dukedome is entayld to thee,
66Thou do him lowly homage for the same.
68Repaire to France within these forty daies,
69That there according as the coustome is.