Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: Romeo and Juliet (Folio 1, 1623)
  • Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
  • ISBN: 1-55058-299-2

    Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Roger Apfelbaum
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Romeo and Juliet (Folio 1, 1623)

    Enter Paris and his Page.
    Par. Giue me thy Torch Boy, hence and stand aloft,
    Yet put it out, for I would not be seene:
    Vnder yond young Trees lay thee all along,
    2855Holding thy eare close to the hollow ground,
    So shall no foot vpon the Churchyard tread,
    Being loose, vnfirme with digging vp of Graues,
    But thou shalt heare it: whistle then to me,
    As signall that thou hearest some thing approach,
    2860Giue me those flowers. Do as I bid thee, go.
    Page. I am almost afraid to stand alone
    Here in the Churchyard, yet I will aduenture.
    Pa. Sweet Flower with flowers thy Bridall bed I strew:
    O woe, thy Canopie is dust and stones,
    2865Which with sweet water nightly I will dewe,
    Or wanting that, with teares destil'd by mones;
    The obsequies that I for thee will keepe,
    Nightly shall be, to strew thy graue, and weepe.
    Whistle Boy.
    2870The Boy giues warning, something doth approach,
    What cursed foot wanders this wayes to night,
    To crosse my obsequies, and true loues right?
    What with a Torch? Muffle me night a while.
    Enter Romeo, and Peter.
    2875Rom. Giue me that Mattocke, & the wrenching Iron,
    Hold take this Letter, early in the morning
    See thou deliuer it to my Lord and Father,
    Giue me the light; vpon thy life I charge thee,
    What ere thou hear'st or seest, stand all aloofe,
    2880And do not interrupt me in my course.
    Why I descend into this bed of death,
    Is partly to behold my Ladies face:
    But chiefly to take thence from her dead finger,
    A precious Ring: a Ring that I must vse,
    2885In deare employment, therefore hence be gone:
    But if thou iealous dost returne to prie
    In what I further shall intend to do,
    By heauen I will teare thee ioynt by ioynt,
    And strew this hungry Churchyard with thy limbs:
    2890The time, and my intents are sauage wilde:
    More fierce and more inexorable farre,
    Then emptie Tygers, or the roaring Sea.
    Pet. I will be gone sir, and not trouble you
    Ro. So shalt thou shew me friendship: take thou that,
    2895Liue and be prosperous, and farewell good fellow.
    Pet. For all this same, Ile hide me here about,
    His lookes I feare, and his intents I doubt.
    Rom. Thou detestable mawe, thou wombe of death,
    Gorg'd with the dearest morsell of the earth:
    2900Thus I enforce thy rotten Iawes to open,
    And in despight, Ile cram thee with more food.
    Par. This is that banisht haughtie Mountague,
    That murdred my Loues Cozin; with which griefe,
    It is supposed the faire Creature died,
    2905And here is come to do some villanous shame
    To the dead bodies: I will apprehend him.
    Stop thy vnhallowed toyle, vile Mountague:
    Can vengeance be pursued further then death?
    Condemned vallaine, I do apprehend thee.
    2910Obey and go with me, for thou must die,
    Rom. I must indeed, and therfore came I hither:
    Good gentle youth, tempt not a desperate man,
    Flie hence and leaue me, thinke vpon those gone,
    Let them affright thee. I beseech thee Youth,
    2915Put not an other sin vpon my head,
    By vrging me to furie. O be gone,
    By heauen I loue thee better then my selfe,
    For I come hither arm'd against my selfe:
    Stay not, be gone, liue, and hereafter say,
    2920A mad mans mercy bid thee run away.
    Par. I do defie thy commisseration,
    And apprehend thee for a Fellon here.
    Ro. Wilt thou prouoke me? Then haue at thee Boy.
    Pet. O Lord they fight, I will go call the Watch.
    2925Pa. O I am slaine, if thon be mercifull,
    Open the Tombe, lay me with Iuliet.
    Rom. In faith I will, let me peruse this face:
    Mercutius kinsman, Noble Countie Paris,
    What said my man, when my betossed soule
    2930Did not attend him as we rode? I thinke
    He told me Paris should haue married Iuliet.
    Said he not so? Or did I dreame it so?
    Or am I mad, hearing him talke of Iuliet,
    To thinke it was so? O giue me thy hand,
    2935One, writ with me in sowre misfortunes booke.
    Ile burie thee in a triumphant graue.
    A Graue; O no, a Lanthorne; slaughtred Youth:
    For here lies Iuliet, and her beautie makes
    This Vault a feasting presence full of light.
    2940Death lie thou there, by a dead man inter'd.
    How oft when men are at the point of death,
    Haue they beene merrie? Which their Keepers call
    A lightning before death? Oh how may I
    Call this a lightning? O my Loue, my Wife,
    2945Death that hath suckt the honey of thy breath,
    Hath had no power yet vpon thy Beautie:
    Thou are not conquer'd: Beauties ensigne yet
    Is Crymson in thy lips, and in thy cheekes,
    And Deaths pale flag is not aduanced there.
    2950Tybalt, ly'st thou there in thy bloudy sheet?
    O what more fauour can I do to thee,
    Then with that hand that cut thy youth in twaine,
    To sunder his that was thy enemie?
    Forgiue me Cozen. Ah deare Iuliet:
    2955Why art thou yet so faire? I will beleeue,
    Shall I beleeue, that vnsubstantiall death is amorous?
    And that the leane abhorred Monster keepes
    Thee here in darke to be his Paramour?
    For feare of that, I still will stay with thee,
    2960And neuer from this Pallace of dym night
    Depart againe: come lie thou in my armes,
    Heere's to thy health, where ere thou tumblest in.
    O true Appothecarie!
    Thy drugs are quicke. Thus with a kisse I die.
    2965Depart againe; here, here will I remaine,
    With Wormes that are thy Chambermaides: O here
    Will I set vp my euerlasting rest:
    And shake the yoke of inauspicious starres
    From this world-wearied flesh: Eyes looke your last:
    2970Armes take your last embrace: And lips, O you
    The doores of breath, seale with a righteous kisse
    A datelesse bargaine to ingrossing death:
    Come bitter conduct, come vnsauoury guide,
    Thou desperate Pilot, now at once run on
    2975The dashing Rocks, thy Sea-sicke wearie Barke:
    Heere's to my Loue. O true Appothecary:
    gg2 Thy
    76 The Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet.
    Thy drugs are quicke. Thus with a kisse I die.
    Enter Frier with Lanthorne, Crow, and Spade.
    Fri. St. Francis be my speed, how oft to night
    2980Haue my old feet stumbled at graues? Who's there?
    Man. Here's one, a Friend, & one that knowes you well.
    Fri. Blisse be vpon you. Tell me good my Friend
    What Torch is yond that vainely lends his light
    To grubs, and eyelesse Sculles? As I discerne,
    2985It burneth in the Capels Monument.
    Man. It doth so holy sir,
    And there's my Master, one that you loue.
    Fri. Who is it?
    Man. Romeo.
    2990Fri. How long hath he bin there?
    Man. Full halfe an houre.
    Fri. Go with me to the Vault.
    Man. I dare not Sir.
    My Master knowes not but I am gone hence,
    2995And fearefully did menace me with death,
    If I did stay to looke on his entents.
    Fri. Stay, then Ile go alone, feares comes vpon me.
    O much I feare some ill vnluckie thing.
    Man. As I did sleepe vnder this young tree here,
    3000I dreamt my maister and another fought,
    And that my Maister slew him.
    Fri. Romeo.
    Alacke, alacke, what blood is this which staines
    The stony entrance of this Sepulcher?
    3005What meane these Masterlesse, and goarie Swords
    To lie discolour'd by this place of peace?
    Romeo, oh pale: who else? what Paris too?
    And steept in blood? Ah what an vn knd houre
    Is guiltie of this lamentable chance?
    3010The Lady stirs.
    Iul. O comfortable Frier, where's my Lord?
    I do remember well where I should be:
    And there I am, where is my Romeo?
    Fri. I heare some noyse Lady, come from that nest
    3015Of death, contagion, and vnnaturall sleepe,
    A greater power then we can contradict
    Hath thwarted our entents, come, come away,
    Thy husband in thy bosome there lies dead:
    And Paris too: come Ile dispose of thee,
    3020Among a Sisterhood of holy Nunnes:
    Stay not to question, for the watch is comming.
    Come, go good Iuliet, I dare no longer stay. Exit.
    Iul. Go get thee hence, for I will notuaway,
    What's here? A cup clos'd in my true lo:es hand?
    3025Poyson I see hath bin his timelesse end
    O churle, drinke all? and left no friendly drop,
    To helpe me after, I will kisse thy lips,
    Happlie some poyson yet doth hang on them,
    To make me die wth a restoratiue.
    3030Thy lips are warme.
    Enter Boy and Watch.
    Watch. Lead Boy, which way?
    Iul. Yea noise?
    Then ile be briefe. O happy Dagger.
    3035'Tis in thy sheath, there rust and let me die Kils herselfe.
    Boy. This is the place,
    There where the Torch doth burne
    Watch. The ground is bloody,
    Search about the Churchyard.
    3040Go some of you, who ere you find attach.
    Pittifull sight, here lies the Countie slaine,
    And Iuliett bleeding, warme and newly dead
    Who here hath laine these two dayes buried.
    Go tell the Prince, runne to the Capulets,
    3045Raise vp the Mountagues, some others search,
    We see the ground whereon these woes do lye,
    But the true ground of all these piteous woes,
    We cannot without circumstance descry.
    Enter Romeo's man.
    3050Watch. Here's Romeo'r man,
    We found him in the Churchyard.
    Con. Hold him in safety, till the Prince come hither.
    Enter Frier, and another Watchman.
    3. Wat. Here is a Frier that trembles, sighes, and weepes
    3055We tooke this Mattocke and this Spade from him,
    As he was comming from this Church-yard side.
    Con. A great suspition, stay the Frier too.
    Enter the Prince.
    Prin. What misaduenture is so earely vp,
    3060That calls our person from our mornings rest?
    Enter Capulet and his Wife.
    Cap. What should it be that they so shrike abroad?
    Wife. O the people in the streete crie Romeo.
    Some Iuliet, and some Paris, and all runne
    3065With open outcry toward out Monument.
    Pri. What feare is this which startles in your eares?
    Wat. Soueraigne, here lies the Countie Paris slaine,
    And Romeo dead, and Iuliet dead before,
    Warme and new kil'd.
    3070Prin. Search,
    Seeke, and know how, this foule murder comes.
    Wat. Here is a Frier, and Slaughter'd Romeos man,
    With Instruments vpon them fit to open
    These dead mens Tombes.
    3075Cap. O heauen!
    O wife looke how our Daughter bleedes!
    This Dagger hath mistaine, for loe his house
    Is empty on the backe of Mountague,
    And is misheathed in my Daughters bosome.
    3080Wife. O me, this sight of death, is as a Bell
    That warnes my old age to a Sepulcher.
    Enter Mountague.
    Pri. Come Mountague, for thou art early vp
    To see thy Sonne and Heire, now early downe.
    3085Moun. Alas my liege, my wife is dead to night,
    Griefe of my Sonnes exile hath stopt her breath:
    What further woe conspires against my age?
    Prin. Looke: and thou shalt see.
    Moun. O thou vntaught, what manners in is this,
    3090To presse before thy Father to a graue?
    Prin. Seale vp the mouth of outrage for a while,
    Till we can cleare these ambiguities,
    And know their spring, their head, their true descent,
    And then will I be generall of your woes,
    3095And lead you euen to death? meane time forbeare,
    And let mischance be slaue to patience,
    Bring forth the parties of suspition.
    Fri. I am the greatest, able to doe least,
    Yet most suspected as the time and place
    3100Doth make against me of this direfull murther:
    And heere I stand both to impeach and purge
    My selfe condemned, and my selfe excus'd.
    Prin. Then say at once, what thou dost know in this?
    Fri. I will be briefe, for my short date of breath
    3105Is not so long as is a tedious tale.
    Romeo there dead, was husband to that Iuliet,
    And she there dead, that's Romeos faithfull wife:
    The Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet. 79
    I married them; and their stolne marriage day
    Was Tybalts Doomesday: whose vntimely death
    3110Banish'd the new-made Bridegroome from this Citie:
    For whom (and not for Tybalt) Iuliet pinde.
    You, to remoue that siege of Greefe from her,
    Betroth'd, and would haue married her perforce
    To Countie Paris. Then comes she to me,
    3115And (with wilde lookes) bid me deuise some meanes
    To rid her from this second Marriage,
    Or in my Cell there would she kill her selfe.
    Then gaue I her (so Tutor'd by my Art)
    A sleeping Potion, which so tooke effect
    3120As I intended, for it wrought on her
    The forme of death. Meane time, I writ to Romeo,
    That he should hither come, as this dyre night,
    To helpe to take her from her borrowed graue,
    Being the time the Potions force should cease.
    3125But he which bore my Letter, Frier Iohn,
    Was stay'd by accident; and yesternight
    Return'd my Letter backe. Then all alone,
    At the prefixed houre of her waking,
    Came I to take her from her Kindreds vault,
    3130Meaning to keepe her closely at my Cell,
    Till I conueniently could send to Romeo.
    But when I came (some Minute ere the time
    Of her awaking) heere vntimely lay
    The Noble Paris, and true Romeo dead.
    3135Shee wakes, and I intreated her come foorth,
    And beare this worke of Heauen, with patience:
    But then, a noyse did scarre me from the Tombe,
    And she (too desperate) would not go with me,
    But (as it seemes) did violence on her selfe.
    3140All this I know, and to the Marriage her Nurse is priuy:
    And if ought in this miscarried by my fault,
    Let my old life be sacrific'd, some houre before the time,
    Vnto the rigour of seuerest Law.
    Prin. We still haue knowne thee for a Holy man.
    3145Where's Romeo's man? What can he say to this?
    Boy. I brought my Master newes of Iuliets death,
    And then in poste he came from Mantua
    To this same place, to this same Monument.
    This Letter he early bid me giue his Father,
    3150And threatned me with death, going in the Vault,
    If I departed not, and left him there.
    Prin. Giue me the Letter, I will look on it.
    Where is the Counties Page that rais'd the Watch?
    Sirra, what made your Master in this place?
    3155Page. He came with flowres to strew his Ladies graue,
    And bid me stand aloofe, and so I did:
    Anon comes one with light to ope the Tombe,
    And by and by my Maister drew on him,
    And then I ran away to call the Watch.
    3160Prin. This Letter doth make good the Friers words,
    Their course of Loue, the tydings of her death:
    And heere he writes, that he did buy a poyson
    Of a poore Pothecarie, and therewithall
    Came to this Vault to dye, and lye with Iuliet.
    3165Where be these Enemies? Capulet, Mountague,
    See what a scourge is laide vpon your hate,
    That Heauen finds meanes to kill your ioyes with Loue;
    And I, for winking at your discords too,
    Haue lost a brace of Kinsmen: All are punish'd.
    3170Cap. O Brother Mountague, giue me thy hand,
    This is my Daughters ioynture, for no more
    Can I demand.
    Moun. But I can giue thee more:
    For I will raise her Statue in pure Gold,
    3175That whiles Verona by that name is knowne,
    There shall no figure at that Rate be set,
    As that of True and Faithfull Iuliet.
    Cap. As rich shall Romeo by his Lady ly,
    Poore sacrifices of our enmity.
    3180Prin. A glooming peace this morning with it brings,
    The Sunne for sorrow will not shew his head;
    Go hence, to haue more talke of these sad things,
    Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished.
    For neuer was a Storie of more Wo,
    3185Then this of Iuliet, and her Romeo. Exeunt omnes