Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
2478Enter Iuliet and Nurse.
2480I pray thee leaue me to my selfe to night:
2481For I haue need of many Orysons,
2484Enter Mother.
2487As are behoouefull for our state to morrow:
2488So please you, let me now be left alone;
2490For I am sure, you haue your hands full all,
2492Mo. Goodnight.
2494Iul. Farewell:
2495God knowes when we shall meete againe.
2496I haue a faint cold feare thrills through my veines,
2498Ile call them backe againe to comfort me.
2501Come Viall, what if this mixture do not worke at all?
2502Shall I be married then to morrow morning?
2503No, no, this shall forbid it. Lie thou there,
2504What if it be a poyson which the Frier
2505Subtilly hath ministred to haue me dead,
2507Because he married me before to Romeo?
2508I feare it is, and yet me thinkes it should not,
2509For he hath still beene tried a holy man.
2510How, if when I am laid into the Tombe,
2511I wake before the time that Romeo
2512Come to redeeme me? There's a fearefull point:
2515And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes.
2516Or if I liue, is it not very like,
2517The horrible conceit of death and night,
2518Together with the terror of the place,
2519As in a Vaulte, an ancient receptacle,
2520Where for these many hundred yeeres the bones
2521Of all my buried Auncestors are packt,
2522Where bloody Tybalt, yet but greene in earth,
2525Alacke, alacke, is it not like that I
2527And shrikes like Mandrakes torne out of the earth,
2528That liuing mortalls hearing them, run mad.
2530Inuironed with all these hidious feares,
2531And madly play with my forefathers ioynts?
2532And plucke the mangled Tybalt from his shrow'd?
2536Seeking out Romeo that did spit his body
2538Romeo, Romeo, Romeo, here's drinke: I drinke to thee.