Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
2Enter Sampson and Gregory, with Swords and Bucklers,
3of the House of Capulet.
5GRegory: A my word wee'l not carry coales.
7Samp. I mean, if we be in choller, wee'l draw.
8Greg. I, While you liue, draw your necke out
9o'th Collar.
14Therefore, if thou art mou'd, thou runst away.
16I will take the wall of any Man or Maid of Mountagues.
18kest goes to the wall.
19Samp. True, and therefore women being the weaker
21Mountagues men from the wall, and thrust his Maides to
22the wall.
25I haue fought with the men, I will bee ciuill with the
26Maids, and cut off their heads.
27Greg. The heads of the Maids?
28Sam. I, the heads of the Maids, or their Maiden-heads,
29Take it in what sence thou wilt.
34had'st beene poore Iohn. Draw thy Toole, here comes of
35the House of the Mountagues.
36Enter two other Seruingmen.
37Sam. My naked weapon is out: quarrel, I wil back thee
38Gre. How? Turne thy backe, and run.
39Sam. Feare me not.
40Gre. No marry: I feare thee.
43Sam. Nay, as they dare. I wil bite my Thumb at them,
44which is a disgrace to them, if they beare it.
50I bite my Thumbe sir.
55Enter Benuolio.
57Samp. Yes, better.
58Abra. You Lye.
59Samp. Draw if you be men. Gregory, remember thy
61Ben. Part Fooles, put vp your Swords, you know not
62what you do.
63Enter Tibalt.
65Hindes? Turne thee Benuolio, looke vpon thy death.
66Ben. I do but keepe the peace, put vp thy Sword,
67Or manage it to part these men with me.
68Tyb. What draw, and talke of peace? I hate the word
69As I hate hell, all Mountagues, and thee:
70Haue at thee Coward. Fight.
71Enter three or foure Citizens with Clubs.
73Downe with the Capulets, downe with the Mountagues.
74Enter old Capulet in his Gowne, and his wife.
76Wife. A crutch, a crutch: why call you for a Sword?
79Enter old Mountague, & his wife.
80Moun. Thou villaine Capulet. Hold me not, let me go
82Enter Prince Eskales, with his Traine.
84Prophaners of this Neighbor-stained Steele,
85Will they not heare? What hoe, you Men, you Beasts,
86That quench the fire of your pernitious Rage,
87With purple Fountaines issuing from your Veines:
88On paine of Torture, from those bloody hands
89Throw your mistemper'd Weapons to the ground,
90And heare the Sentence of your mooued Prince.
91Three ciuill Broyles, bred of an Ayery word,
92By thee old Capulet and Mountague,
94And made Verona's ancient Citizens
96To wield old Partizans, in hands as old,