Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
1799Enter Frier and Romeo.
1800Fri. Romeo come forth,
1801Come forth thou fearfull man,
1803And thou art wedded to calamitie.
1804Rom. Father what newes?
The Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet.67
1805What is the Princes Doome?
1806What sorrow craues acquaintance at my hand,
1807That I yet know not?
1808Fri. Too familiar
1810I bring thee tydings of the Princes Doome.
1812Is the Princes Doome?
1814Not bodies death, but bodies banishment.
1816For exile hath more terror in his looke,
1819Be patient, for the world is broad and wide.
1820Rom. There is no world without Verona walles,
1821But Purgatorie, Torture, hell it selfe:
1823And worlds exile is death. Then banished,
1828Thy falt our Law calles death, but the kind Prince
1830And turn'd that blacke word death, to banishment.
1832Rom. 'Tis Torture and not mercy, heauen is here
1833Where Iuliet liues, and euery Cat and Dog,
1834And little Mouse, euery vnworthy thing
1835Liue here in Heauen and may looke on her,
1836But Romeo may not. More Validitie,
1838In carrion Flies, then Romeo: they may seaze
1839On the white wonder of deare Iuliets hand,
1845But Romeo may not, hee is banished.
1849O Frier, the damned vse that word in hell:
1850Howlings attends it, how hast thou the hart
1853To mangle me with that word, banished?
1858To comfort thee, though thou art banished.
1862It helpes not, it preuailes not, talke no more.
1865When wisemen haue no eyes?
1868Wert thou as young as Iuliet my Loue:
1869An houre but married, Tybalt murdered,
1870Doting like me, and like me banished,
1872Then mightest thou teare thy hayre,
1873And fall vpon the ground as I doe now,
1874Taking the measure of an vnmade graue.
1875Enter Nurse, and knockes.
1877Good Romeo hide thy selfe.
1878Rom. Not I,
1881 Knocke
1882Fri. Harke how they knocke:
1883(Who's there) Romeo arise,
1885 Knocke.
1886Run to my study: by and by, Gods will
1888 Knocke.
1889Who knocks so hard?
1890Whence come you? what's your will?
1891Enter Nurse.
1892Nur. Let me come in,
1893And you shall know my errand:
1894I come from Lady Iuliet.
1895Fri. Welcome then.
1896Nur. O holy Frier, O tell me holy Frier,
1897Where's my Ladies Lord? where's Romeo?
1898Fri. There on the ground,
1899With his owne teares made drunke.
1903Blubbring and weeping, weeping and blubbring,
1910Doth not she thinke me an old Murtherer,
1911Now I haue stain'd the Childhood of our ioy,
1912With blood remoued, but little from her owne?
1914My conceal'd Lady to our conceal'd Loue?
1916And now fals on her bed, and then starts vp,
1917And Tybalt calls, and then on Romeo cries,
1918And then downe falls againe.
1920Did murder her, as that names cursed hand
1921Murdred her kinsman. Oh tell me Frier, tell me,
1922In what vile part of this Anatomie
1923Doth my name lodge? Tell me, that I may sacke
1924The hatefull Mansion.
1926Art thou a man? thy forme cries out thou art:
1931Thou hast amaz'd me. By my holy order,
1934And slay thy Lady, that in thy life lies,
1935By doing damned hate vpon thy selfe?
1936Why rayl'st thou on thy birth? the heauen and earth?
68 The Tragedie of Romeo and Iuliet.
1937Since birth, and heauen and earth, all three do meete
1943Thy Noble shape, is but a forme of waxe,
1944Digressing from the Valour of a man,
1945Thy deare Loue sworne but hollow periurie,
1947Thy wit, that Ornament, to shape and Loue,
1951And thou dismembred with thine owne defence.
1952What, rowse thee man, thy Iuliet is aliue,
1954There art thou happy. Tybalt would kill thee,
1956The law that threatned death became thy Friend,
1957And turn'd it to exile, there art thou happy.
1958A packe or blessing light vpon thy backe,
1961Thou puttest vp thy Fortune and thy Loue:
1963Goe get thee to thy Loue as was decreed,
1964Ascend her Chamber, hence and comfort her:
1968To blaze your marriage, reconcile your Friends,
1969Beg pardon of thy Prince, and call thee backe,
1970With twenty hundred thousand times more ioy
1971Then thou went'st forth in lamentation.
1972Goe before Nurse, commend me to thy Lady,
1974Which heauy sorrow makes them apt vnto.
1975Romeo is comming.
1977To heare good counsell: oh what learning is!
1978My Lord Ile tell my Lady you will come.
1981Hie you, make hast, for it growes very late.
1982Rom. How well my comfort is reuiu'd by this.
1983Fri. Go hence,
1985Either be gone before the watch be set,
1986Or by the breake of day disguis'd from hence,
1987Soiourne in Mantua, Ile find out your man,
1989Euery good hap to you, that chaunces heere:
1990Giue me thy hand, 'tis late, farewell, goodnight.
1992It were a griefe, so briefe to part with thee:
1993Farewell. Exeunt.