Internet Shakespeare Editions


Plays: 1592-1598

1592-1595 The Two Gentlemen of Verona Mentioned by Meres in 1598. 1623
1594-1596 [Part of Sir Thomas More] Shakespeare may have been one of six contributors to this play.
1588-1595 Love's Labour's Lost Performed at Court in 1597. 1598
1595-1597 Richard II Mentioned by Meres; may have been performed in 1595. 1597
1594-1596 Romeo and Juliet Bad quarto 1597, mentioned by Meres 1599
1594-1596 A Midsummer Night's Dream Mentioned by Meres. 1600
1590-1597 King John Mentioned by Meres. 1623
1596-1598 The Merchant of Venice Mentioned by Meres. A possible topical reference suggests 1596-7. 1600
1596-1597 Henry IV (Part One) Meres mentions "Henry the 4." 1598
1596-1598 Henry IV (Part Two) (May be included in the reference by Meres.) 1600