Internet Shakespeare Editions


Years 1591-1592

Shakespeare's life contemporary events
[The "lost years."] Tea first introduced into England.
Robert Herrick is born.
Sidney's Astrophel and Stella is published.
Christopher Wren is born.
Essex's expedition to Ireland.
Sept. 25--John Shakespeare is named as a recusant [against the law, he failed to go to church at least once a month]. Philip Henslowe begins his Diary.
Lord Strange's men, possibly including Shakespeare, appear at Court and at the Rose.
Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy published.
Marlowe writes Edward II.
Robert Greene dies; his Groatsworth of Wit is entered in the Stationers' Register.
Edward Alleyn marries Joan Woodward and forms partnership with Philip Henslowe.
Severe plague in London (15,000 people die); plays restricted in the latter half of the year.
Juan da Fuca discovers British Columbia.
John Davis discovers the Falkland Islands.