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  • Title: Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)
  • Editor: Rosemary Gaby
  • ISBN: 978-1-55058-371-7

    Copyright Rosemary Gaby. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Editor: Rosemary Gaby
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry IV, Part 1 (Quarto 1, 1598)

    Enter Hotspur, Worcester, Doug:Vernon.
    2460Hot. Weele fight with him to night.
    Wor. It may not be.
    Doug. You giue him then aduantage.
    Ver. Not a whit.
    Hot. Why say you so, lookes he not for supply?
    2465Ver. So do we.
    Hot. His is certaine, ours is doubtful.
    Wor. Good coosen be aduisd, stir not to night.
    Ver. Do not my Lord.
    Doug. You do not counsel wel,
    2470You speake it out of feare, and cold hart.
    Ver. Do me no slander Douglas, by my life,
    And I dare well maintaine it with my life,
    If well respected honor bid me on,
    I hould as little counsell with weake feare,
    2475As you my Lord, or any Scot that this day liues,
    Let it be seene to morrow in the battell which of vs feares.
    Doug. Yea or to night.
    Ver. Content.
    2480Hot. To night say I.
    Ver. Come, come, it may not be.
    I wonder much being men of such great leading as you are,
    That you foresee not what impediments
    Drag backe our expedition, certaine horse
    2485Of my coosen Vernons are not yet come vp,
    of Henrie the fourth.
    Your Vncle Worcesters horses came but to day,
    And now their pride and mettall is a sleepe,
    Their courage with hard labour tame and dull,
    That not a horse is halfe the halfe of himselfe.
    2490Hot. So are the horses of the enemie
    In generall iourney bated and brought low,
    The better part of ours are full of rest.
    Wor. The number of the King exceedeth our,
    For Gods sake coosen stay till all come in.
    2495The trumpet sounds a parley. Enter sir Walter Blunt.
    Blunt. I come with gracious offers from the king,
    If you vouchsafe me hearing and respect.
    Hot. Welcome sir Walter Blunt: and would to God
    2500You were of our determination,
    Some of vs loue you well, and euen those some
    Enuy your great deseruings and good name,
    Because you are not of our qualitie,
    But stand against vs like an enemie.
    2505Blunt. And God defend but still I should stand so,
    So long as out of limit and true rule
    You stand against annointed Maiestie.
    But to my charge. The king hath sent to know
    2510The nature of your griefes and whereupon
    You coniure from the breast of ciuill peace
    Such bold hostilitie: teaching his dutious land
    Audacious crueltie. If that the king
    Haue any way your good deserts forgot
    2515Which he confesseth to be manifold,
    He bids you name your griefes, and with all speede,
    You shall haue your desires with interest
    And pardon absolute for your selfe, and these
    Herein misled by your suggestion.
    2520Hot. The king is kind, and well we know the king
    Knowes at what time to promise, when to pay:
    My father, and my vncle, and my selfe,
    Did giue him that same royaltie he weares,
    2525And when he was not sixe and twentie strong,
    Sicke in the worlds regard, wretched and low,
    The Historie.
    A poore vnminded outlaw sneaking home,
    My father gaue him welcome to the shore:
    And when he heard him sweare and vow to God,
    2530He came but to be Duke of Lancaster,
    To sue his liuery, and beg his peace
    With teares of innocencie, and tearmes of zeale,
    My father in kinde heart and pitie mou'd,
    Swore him assistance, and performd it too.
    2535Now when the Lords and Barons of the realme,
    Perceiu'd Northumberland did leane to him,
    The more and lesse came in with cap and knee,
    Met him in Borroughs, Cities, Villages,
    Attended him on bridges, stoode in lanes,
    2540Laid gifts before him, profferd him their oathes,
    Gaue him their heires, as Pages followed him,
    Euen at the heeles, in golden multitudes,
    He presently, as greatnesse knowes it selfe,
    Steps me a little higher then his vow
    2545Made to my father while his blood was poore
    Vpon the naked shore at Rauenspurgh,
    And now forsooth takes on him to reforme
    Some certaine edicts, and some streight decrees,
    That lie too heauie on the Common-wealth,
    2550 Cries out vpon abuses, seemes to weepe
    Ouer his Countrey wrongs, and by this face
    This seeming brow of iustice did he winne
    The hearts of all that he did angle for:
    Proceeded further, cut me off the heads
    2555Of all the fauourits that the absent king
    In deputation left behind him here,
    When he was personall in the Irish warre.
    Blunt. Tut, I came not to heare this.
    Hot. Then to the poynt.
    2560In short time after he deposd the king,
    Soone after that depriu'd him of his life,
    And in the necke of that taskt the whole state,
    To make that woorse, suffred his kinsman March
    (Who is if euerie owner were well plac'd
    of Henry the fourth.
    2565Indeed his king) to be ingagde in Wales,
    There without raunsome to lie forfeited,
    Disgrac't me in my happy victories,
    Sought to intrap me by intelligence,
    Rated mine vnkle from the counsell boord,
    2570In rage dismisd my father from the Court,
    Broke oath on oath, committed wrong on wrong,
    And in conclusion droue vs to seeke out
    This head of safetie, and withall to prie
    Into his title, the which we find
    2575Too indirect for long continuance.
    Blunt. Shall I returne this answere to the king?
    Hot. Not so sir Walter. Weele withdraw a while.
    Go to the king, and let there be impawnde
    2580Some surety for a safe returne againe,
    And in the morning early shal mine vnkle
    Bring him our purposes, and so farewell.
    Blunt. I would you would accept of grace and loue.
    Hot. And may be so we shall.
    2585Blunt. Pray God you do.