of Henrie the fourth.
16481509Hot. Let me not vnder
stand you then,
speake it in Wel
16501510Glen. I can
speake Engli
sh Lord as well as you,
I was traind vp in the Engli
sh court,
16521512Where being but yong I framed to the harpe
16531513Many an Engli
sh ditty louely well,
16541514And gaue the tongue a helpeful ornament,
16551515A vertue that was neuer
seene in you.
16561516Hot. Marry and
I am glad of it with all my hart,
16571517I had rather be a kitten and cry mew,
16581518Then one of the
same miter ballet mongers,
16591519I had rather heare a brazen can
sticke turnd,
16601520Or a drie wheele grate on the exle tree,
16611521And that would
set my teeth nothing an edge,
so much as min
sing poetry,
16631523Tis like the forc't gate of a
ffling nag.
16641524Glen. Come, you
shal haue Trent turnd.
16651525Hot. I do not care, ile giue thrice
so much land
16671527But in the way of bargaine marke ye me,
16681528Ile cauill on the ninth part of a haire,
16691529Are the Indentures drawn,
shal we be gone?
16701530Glen. The moon
shines faire, you may away by night
16721531Ile ha
ste the writer, and withal
16731532Breake with your, wiues of your departure hence,
16741533I am afraid my daughter will run mad,
16751534So much
she doteth on her Mortimer.
16761535Mor. Fie coo
sen Percy, how you cro
sse my father.
16781536Hot. I cannot chu
sometime he angers me
16791537With telling me of the Moldwarp and the Ant,
16801538Of the dreamer Merlin and his prophecies,
16811539And of a Dragon and a
16821540A clipwingd Gri
ffin and a molten rauen,
16831541A couching Leon and a ramping Cat,
such a deale of skimble
16851543As puts me from my faith.
I tel you what,
16861544He held me la
st night at lea
st nine houres
16871545In reckoning vp the
seueral Diuels names
F2 That