The Historie.
30822835the life of a mã: but to coũterfet dying when a man therby liueth,
30832836is to be no counterfet, but the true & perfe
ct image of life indeed.
30852837The better parte of valour is di
scretion, in the which better part
30862838I haue
saued my life. Zounds I am afraid of this gunpowder Per
- 30872839cy, though he be dead, how if he
should counterfet too and ri
30882840by my faith I am afraid hee woulde proue the better counterfet,
30892841therefore ile make him
sure, yea, and ile
sweare I kild him. Why
30902842may not he ri
se a
swell as I? nothing confutes me but eies, and no
sees me: therefore
sirrha, with a new wound in your thigh,
2845He takes vp Hotspur on his backe. Enter Prince 30952847Prin. Come brother Iohn, full brauely ha
st thou
30972849Iohn of Lan. But
soft, whom haue we heere?
30982850Did you not tell me this fat man was dead?
sse and bleeding on the ground. Art thou aliue?
31012853Or is it fanta
sie that playes vpon our eie
31022854I preethe
speake, we will not tru
st our eies
31032855Without our eares, thou art not what thou
31042856Fal. No thats certaine, I am not a double man: but if
I bee
Iacke Fal
ffe, then am I a Iacke: there is Percy, if your
31062858father will doe me anie honour,
so: if not, let him kill the next
31072859Percie him
selfe: I looke to bee either Earle or Duke,
I can a
s- 31092861Prin. Why Percy, I kild my
selfe, and
saw thee dead.
31102862Falst. Did
st thou? Lord, Lord, howe this world is giuen to
31112863lying, I graunt you I was downe, and out of breath, and
so was
31122864he, but we ro
se both at an in
stant, and fought a long houre by
sburie clocke, if I may be beleeude
so: if not, let them
should rewarde valour, beare the
sinne vppon their owne
31152867heads. Ile take it vpon my death, I gaue him this wound in the
31162868thigh, if the man were aliue, and would denie it, zounds I would
31172869make him eate a peece of my
31192870Iohn. This is the
st tale that euer I heard.
31202871Prin. This is the
st fellow, brother Iohn,
31212872Come bring your luggage nobly on your backe.