The History
23542154Harry to Harry
shal hot hor
se to hor
23552155Meete and neare part til one drop down a coar
23582158I learnd in Worce
ster as I rode along,
23592159He can draw his power this fourteene daies.
23602160Doug. Thats the wor
st tidings that I heare of it.
23622161Wor. I by my faith, that beares a fro
23632162Hot. What may the kings whole battel reach vnto?
23672165My father and Glendower being both away,
23682166The powers of vs may
so great a day,
23692167Come let vs take a mu
23702168Doomes day is neare, die all, die merely.
23712169Doug. Talke not of dying, I am out of feare
23722170Of death or deaths hand for this one halfe yeare.
Exeunt 23762172Falst. Bardol get thee before to Couentry,
fill me a bottle of
23772173Sacke, our
shall march through. Weele to Sutton cop
- 23792175Bar. Will you giue me money captaine?
23812177Bar. This bottell makes an angel.
23822178Fal. And if it do, take it for thy labour, and if it make twenty
23832179take them all, ile an
swere the coynage, bid my Liuetenant Peto
23852181Bar. I will captaine, farewell.
Exit 23862182Fal. If I be not a
shamed of my
I am a
ct gurnet,
23872183I haue mi
sed the kinges pre
sse damnablie. I haue got in ex
- 23882184change of 150.
soldiours 300. and odde poundes. I pre
sse me
23902185none but good hou
shoulders, Yeomans
sonnes, inquire me out
cted batchelers,
such as had been a
skt twice on the banes,
23922187such a commodity of warme
slaues, as had as lieue heare the
23932188Diuell as a drumme,
such as feare the report of a Caliuer, wor
23942189then a
strucke foule, or a hurt wild ducke: I pre
st mee none but
23952190such to
stes and butter with hearts in their bellies no bigger then
23972191pinnes heades, and they haue bought out their
seruices, and